I did it!

I did it! I finished my Infinite Sum and it didn't take infinitely long to write and edit it after all. But, of course, I already knew the characters. The protagonist, Sylvia, is the Guardian Angel Cat Girl from Divide by Zero, due to be released in July from Stonegarden. And Infinite Sum is her place to discover her story.

   Why did she let it happen?
   How did she not know who did it?
   Why didn't she say something?

Well, you'll have to read Infinite Sum to find out, and I guess it would have to get published first. So I've collected synopsis, query letter and chapter together into a file and emailed them off. I did it! At last!

I'm imagining an artist near that bench on the cover for Divide by Zero. She's trying to paint the pictures of her life, trying to remember what happened and why, and how it came to this...

Meanwhile, of course, I've been reading, and it's time to reward myself with a nice cup of coffee. Enjoy these books with your coffee...

First is Growing Pains: Kendra's Diaries by K.P. Smith (see yesterday's guest post). I didn't like Kendra much at the start and felt glad that I only have sons, but she grows on you. Keeping house, Cinderella style, while her parents bicker and the chance of a scholarship to a better class of High School seems always just out of reach, Kendra struggles to balance old friends and new, tries out for the cheerleading squad, and has a crush on a boy. By the end of the school year I'm hoping there'll be more. Enjoy a well-balanced 3-star coffee with this  nicely balanced tale.

Reconstructing Charlie, by Charmaine Gordon, is another tale of a teenager, though it's built on more angst and perhaps less realism. Suddenly thrust from an abusive childhood home to the splendor of relatives in a Chicago mansion, Charlie's innate genius, athleticism and beauty combine with money and gritty determination as she flies into the future. You might need a stronger cup for the start, but enjoy some lively easy-drinking 2-star coffee as the story progresses.

Staying firmly in the real world, Barbara Taylor Sissel's The Ninth Step tells the story of adults wounded by abusive childhoods. An opening scene is so beautifully and peacefully drawn that the reader is pulled into the rest of the tale, wholly trusting the author, with no knowledge of how things can possibly turn out well, yet convinced they truly might. I really enjoyed this book despite the human misery portrayed and recommend it highly for a well-nuanced take on the agony alcohol can cause. Enjoy with a 4-star rich, complex cup of coffee.

Explorer X Beta, by L.M. Preston is a children's novel, part of a series in which ordinary youngsters are sent to space camp only to find themselves thrust into extraordinary situations on foreign worlds. Genetically engineered without their knowledge, they rebel against a company that seems to think it owns them, and now they're living a version of Lost in Space crossed with Enders' Game and the Fantastic Four. It's a blend that works well. Enjoy this bright tale with some 2-star bright easy-drinking coffee. And come back tomorrow for a fascinating blogpost from the author.

Finally, J.A. Clements' short story, Parallels, the Black-eyed Susan, is a very pleasing tale of sailing ships and an evil money-lender. A quick easy read, best enjoyed with another 2-star easy-drinking coffee, it's certainly got me eager to read the rest of the On Dark Shores series.


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