The Dan Poynter Global eBooks Awards Ceremony is tomorrow (Saturday 20th) in sunny Santa Barbara. I know I can't go, but still, it's nice to feel I've had some part in it this year. I've really enjoyed reading and reviewing the books; I've even, almost, enjoyed generating scores--the score-sheets certainly made it much more interesting than just applying 3 stars or 4 or 5. It's got me thinking I should maybe make my own score-sheet for book reviews, or at least, for reviewing and editing my own work... Could be depressing, but I think it might help. But what questions would I ask? Dan Poynter offered 15 categories in 5 sets of 3, which seems a pretty good number. Of course, I wouldn't score covers and format if I'm just editing... so here's my personal 15...
- Story structure: Does the beginning grab me? Does the middle keep me interested? Does the end satisfy?
- Words: Are words spelled wrongly or misused? Are words repeated? Are words appropriate to the characters and story?
- Sentence structure: Are sentences overcomplicated? Are sentences oversimple or repetitious? Is the grammar appropriate to the characters and story?
- Dialog: Can I tell who is speaking? Is the dialog boring? Is the dialog plausible?
- Overall effect: Is the story confusing? Do the separate parts fit into the overall theme? Were the scenes well-chosen or were their vital pieces missing?
What do you think? Have I missed something important? What questions would you ask?
(If you don't mind..:-)
And yes Ruthi, feel free to use them. It's nice to have had the chance to judge and learn the idea.