Time for some Book Reviews

GBA books read to date: 24

I'll start posting reviews of them once the reading stage is done. Meanwhile, here's a few reviews of other books I've read while not glued to the computer: (as usual, click on links for reviews on Gather)

Bones beneath our feet, by Michael Schein is a beautiful historical novel of the Pacific Northwest, bringing the clash of tribes and Bostons to life just as Nathaniel Philbrick did for tribes on the Eastern Coast. Highly recommended; pair this rich elegant complex tale with a 4-star rich elegant complex coffee.

In contrast, Corduroy Mansions, by Alexander McCall Smith is a modern-day ramble through quiet residential streets of London, accompanied by a rather cute dog and many fascinating people--the perfect bedtime storybook with chapters complete in themselves and short enough they won't keep you from feeling awake in the morning. I suppose I should recommend decaf coffee for bedtime, but that would be heresy, so read it with a 3-star balanced full-flavored brew.

I reviewed K.M. Daughters' Left at the Altar a little while ago for Nights and Weekends, and this week was able to read the second volume in their Gospa Journeys series. Just the Way you Are is a very pleasing story of a young woman seeking inner healing after burns have scarred her face. She meets a doctor on her pilgrimage who offers outer healing instead, but how do you tell which miracles truly come from God? My review should appear on Nights and Weekends soon. Meanwhile, if you want a good lunchtime read, enjoy this one with a 2-star bright, lively, easy-drinking cup of a coffee.

And finally there's Excuse Me, My Brains have stepped out, by Pandora Poikilos, a book that reads like a cross between blog-posts and letters but ends with a haunting surprise. Read with a 1-star mild, light, crisp coffee to balance the dark-seeming prose.

Time to go back to reading for the Global eBooks Awards, with thanks to Dan Poytner 'cause I'm really enjoying the experience.


In spite of being glued to the computer, you still manage to read a fair number of books!

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