Three Awards

I’ve been writing—well, that’s my excuse. Which means I’ve been somewhat unprolific at blogging recently, so I’m not quite sure how I won these awards. It’s all because our local writer’s group is running it’s own mini wri-mo, and I promised myself I’d try to write the first draft of a novel. First draft half-done and almost three-quarters planned, I’m now taking time off to play a little catch-up.

The first (recent) award was a Prolific Blogger award from a prolific blogging friend called A.F. Stewart. The rules for this one are:
1. Pass this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers.
2. Link to the blog from which you received the award.
3. Link back to this Prolific Blogger post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Add your name to the Mr. Linky.
Never having met Mr. Linky I was slightly nervous, but he does have a great list of interesting blogs and it’s well worth following the link, whether or not you aspire to be prolific.

Then came A Sunshine award, also from A.F. Stewart. And the sun really is shining today, the trees pink with blossom, the earth coated with flowers, and the sky a vivid blue. Anyway, for this one I have to:

• Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
• Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.
• Link the nominees within your post.
• Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
• Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

And finally, just today, there another Honest Scrap, which I suppose at least means I’m honest. This one’s from Harvee at Book Dilettante, and comes with instructions to give seven bits of information about myself and tag seven others.

So, combining the awards… here goes: Seven bits of information.

1. When I can’t think what to write I walk round the green.
2. Walking round the green was more with a dog.
3. Walking round the green is more fun when the sun shines.
4. Meeting dogs on the green is always fun, even when they’re muddy and it’s raining..
5. I like dogs. (You probably already worked that out.)
6. I also like my family.
7. And I wear my cell-phone on the green like a dog wearing a leash, just to make sure I don’t miss any calls from my family. (No dogs have called me yet.)

The following are all prolific writers of consistency honest and interesting blogs, sunshine or rain, and mostly connected with the writing profession. Enjoy…

1. A book inside: how to write and publish a book:
2. A day in the life: ramblings of a author in progress:
3. Advanced Fiction Writing: the Snowflake Guy:
4. Writing Rambling:
5. The Writing Jungle:
6. Ask the publishing guru:
7. Author Haven: Refresh, Renew, Recharge:
8. Ambient Moronics:
9. Breakthrough Blogs: weaving together theoretical physics and technology with greed, murder and mayhem:
10. The Old Geezer Blog:
11. A twist of noir: Crime and Noir Fiction:
12. Between the Pages: Well, I have to include this one, since I’m taking the journey…

And if you should find your blog above, please feel free to pick up whichever award you like best and consider yourself “tagged.”


Congratulations on all your awards!

I am pleased to find another Portland book blogger Thanks for visiting Rose City Reader.

I signed up as a follower. i look forward to reading more.
Diane said…
Great lists and thanks for all the great links to check out! :O)
A. F. Stewart said…
Some interesting blogs on the list; I'll have to check them out.
Wow, great post with lots of wonderful links. Well done, Sheila!
Laura Eno said…
Wow! Congrats on the awards! I'm sure you're still smiling. :)
Congrats on your awards!

oh! Links! I like clicking around on links - going back to check them out!

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