If you write a book and nobody reads it...?

If a tree falls down and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?
If you write a book and nobody reads it, are you still an author?

One friend loaned me her copy of The Story of With by Allen Arnold. It's a Christian allegory (an annotated allegory perhaps) which reminds creative weirdos like me that it's the creation that counts--the act of creating "with" others and with God--not the marketing and selling and human success.

Another loaned me To Sell is Human by Daniel H Pink, borrowed from the library. And now we're all salespeople, trying to persuade others to give something up (time, energy, money) for promised gain (information, wisdom, a book). I'm trying to persuade you to give up time and read my blog. Maybe I hope you'll give up money and read my books as well, but Pink's point is I'm still selling something, either way. He offers intriguing arguments in the first half of the book (forget used cars), and lots of practical advice in the second. So I worked on the practical and tried to come up with sales pitches for my novels: http://indigoseapressblog.com/2017/10/13/whats-your-pitch-by-sheila-deeth/ But I'm still not sure...

I write a book and nobody reads it, can I still call myself an author?

Please click on the links for my book reviews, and enjoy some lively easy-drinking two-star coffee if you read either of these books (because my book review posts always come with coffee ratings).


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