What if an elephant meant a genie and a crow?

I've been reading some children's stories recently. They make such a pleasant break when the days are filled with raking leaves, panicking over delays, worrying over parental health, then failing to get things done... except for those brief snatched moment of reading children's stories as I walk from room to room. Suddenly the world is simpler again and the sun breaks through.

So, why do you read children's stories? You do, don't you? If you don't and would like to try, I can recommend the following... Grab and coffee and see what grabs your attention.

Perfect for October is Elphie Goes Trick Or Treating by Hagit R Oron and Or Oron. Starring the delightful young elephant, Elphie, in a perfectly human environment, Trick or Treating explores a youngster's natural fear of the unknown, adds a parent's kind wisdom and a child's innate good nature, and leads to a perfectly happy ending. It's a lovely simple tale, simply told, gorgeously illustrated, and highly recommended. Enjoy with some well-balanced, smooth, full-flavored three-star coffee.

Next is The Crows and The Jewels by Peter Joseph Swanson, a delightful take on fairytales, with a blend of all the right characters, a story arc that encompasses ghosts, cats and thieving birds, and an enjoyable sense of humor and fun. Plus great pictures of course. Sharp, witty and lively, this is one for young readers to enjoy with a bright-flavored two-star coffee.

Magic Poetry by Piaras O Cionnaoith has the feel of one of those old-fashioned hard-back fairytale books I used to enjoy as a child. The poems are simple to read and tell fairytale stories, or else describe fairytale creatures with equal delight. The images run a range of different styles, and the book would be fun to share with a child, while the adult carefully drinks a mild and crisp one-star coffee.

Eden's Wish and Eden's Escape by M. Tara Crowl are the first two in the authors Eden-of-the-Lamp series about a modern-day twelve-year-old genie, escaping her magic lamp. Think Harry Potter meets Cruella De Ville in America (and travels to Paris in book two)--the stories cool, exciting, vividly evocative, with wonderful characters, child and adult, and a pleasing sense of rebellion, restraint, and the importance of loyalty. Enjoy these well-imagined books with some elegant four-star coffee and watch out for more.

Finally, Orphans of Time Space by Robby Charters is a fascinating novel, written in the form of interlinked short stories, with interlinked timelines, lots of surprises, and a thoroughly enthralling premise. It's well thought out, beautifully told, and totally absorbing. Maybe even my unbelieving son would imagine the possibility of time travel after reading this. Enjoy with some seriously complex, warming and flavorful four-star coffee.


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