Reaping 101, with Crymsyn Hart


Virtual Tour Author: Crymsyn Hart Featured Book: Death’s Dance

Crymsyn Hart, author of Death's Dance was almost my guest on my blog today. But a familiar character from life, death and fiction has come in her place (I do hope she's okay). So please read on and see if this is a class you'll want to take.

Reaping 101

“So you’re dead. Suck it up and deal with it. There isn’t anything you can do about it anyway. Just except that your body is six feet under and your soul is no longer attached to it.”

Sometimes those are the things I would enjoy saying to the souls I reap. Most of the human race seems to have a difficult time to accepting they are dead or moving on. None of this has anything to do with religious affiliation. When you’re dead you’re dead. Nonetheless, I don’t tell this to the souls I pick up and ferry to the other side. And I instruct new reapers not to do the same thing.

Being a grim reaper isn’t difficult, but it can be confusing for those who awaken to the job, whether they are created or they were once human and elevated to being a reaper. These days most reapers are raised souls who used to be alive, but that still makes them angels. The original reapers were angels assigned to the souls so we knew what we had to do, but the newbies have no idea.

Here are the basic instructions to the new reapers: 

1.       Always be kind to the souls you ferry.
2.       Never bend time to change the past no matter how tempting.
3.       Never scare a human intentionally.
4.       Always follow the list you are giving on collecting souls. It doesn’t matter if you go out of order, just collect them.
5.       If someone requests to take them beyond the veil, then tell them it is not your place.
6.       The cemetery you manage is a reflection of you. You shape it and bring souls through it.
7.       If you come across a soul not on a list who wants to be taken, then bring them peace.
8.       If a soul does not wish to go with you, then you can try numerous times, but no matter what you do, we can’t force the spirits to go.
9.       You’re cloak has a mind of its own and will always protect you if it senses danger.
10.   The scythe we carry are one of the few weapons that can kill us.

If the fledging reapers follow these rules all should go smoothly. If not, I’ll be there to help out. I’m Than, by the way, or Thanatos, and Kerstin is my partner in death, but I’m sure you know that already from reading Death’s Dance. If not, well I might see you one of these days. 

However as the song says: “Don’t Fear the Reaper.”

Okay.... But here's Crymsyn, just to confirm she's alright. Welcome Crymsyn, and thank you for this cool introduction to Reaping 101.


About Crymsyn Hart: Crymsyn Hart is a national bestselling author of over seventy paranormal romance and horror novels. Her experiences as a psychic have given her a lot of material to use in her books. She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her hubby and her three dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s curled up with the dogs watching a good horror movie or off with friends. To find out more about Crymsyn:

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DeathsDance1200X800Being a psychic, you would think talking to the dead was a walk in the park. However, it’s not always that simple. The hooded specter haunting me is one I’ve been dreaming about since I was a kid. One day, he appeared in my bedroom mirror. Good. Evil. I don’t know what his true intentions are. Enter Jackson, ghost hunting show host extraordinaire, and my ex, to save me from the big bad ghost.

From there…well…it’s been a world wind of complications. My house burnt down. I’m being stalked by an ancient evil and gotten myself back into the world of being a ghost hunting psychic. Jackson dragged me, along with a few other psychics, to a ghost town wiped off the map called Death’s Dance.

From there things went from bad to worse.

Death's Dance is Book One of the Deathly Encounters Series

Death’s Dance Buy Links:
Amazon           Barnes & Noble          Kobo
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Unknown said…
Thanks so much for having me

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