While I was away... (and don't miss Gypsy Shadow's 3rd anniversary celebration!)

While I was away...

Two houses changed color across the street (were my neighbors trying to confuse me?)

Our baby dandelions grew up into teenagers (dandelion lawn... perhaps that's why the neighbors are trying to confuse me?)

The freezer magically emptied (grown up son stayed home and didn't starve, much to our delight)

Washing baskets overflowed (but grown up son did his own washing. The overflow is just our stuff brought back from vacation)

Email accounts tried hard to overflow ("only" 900 facebook , 200 twitter, 400 linkedin and 300 regular emails so I guess I'll survive)

and Haunting Obsession (see my review) completed it's blog tour; it's free today through Wednesday on Amazon Kindle to celebrate: http://www.amazon.com/Haunting-Obsession-ebook/dp/B008Y2SVS4

Seventh Star Press's Kickstarter campaign for The Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy is going well. Go to http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/seventhstarpress/the-writers-workshop-of-science-fiction-and-fantas to learn more about this amazing collection of essays and interviews on the craft of writing in the genre with collaborators such as Neil Gaiman, Orson Scott Card, Harry Turtledove, James Gunn, Joe Haldeman and many more.


Gypsy Shadow's 3rd Anniversary Celebration has begun! Follow the link to learn how you can get 25% off Gypsy Shadow prices, win free ebooks, and enter a raffle for an incredible Grand Prize!


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