Meet Nigel and Pippin!
I love children's books, and I love the connection between story and illustration. But what about the connection between story and title? Or story and dog? That'll Do Pippin is a very cool title to a book with a very cool cover - well, seriously cool if, like me, you happen to be seriously fond of dogs. But what has Pippin been doing? THAT'LL DO PIPPIN! by Anne Kaufmann Title : THAT’LL DO PIPPIN! Author : Anne Kaufmann Publisher : Brownridge Publishing Pages : 68 Genre : Children’s Picture Book Pippin and Nigel are two charming puppy brothers who live on a wonderful farm. They are best buddies and do everything together. They are full of mischief, energy and fun! Pippin is the smaller puppy who wants with all his heart to be like his brother Nigel. Nigel is brave. Nigel is strong. Nigel is smart. One day, the puppies escape from their yard into the woods where they experience many adventures. Nigel is always there to help and pr...