How do you relax with a book?
Things have been so hectic around here. Reading is what I do while the microwave turns (walking from room to room with a well-lit tablet screen). I read while I wait for the computer to boot, for the washing to take that final spin, the onions to soften in the pan. Sometimes paper, sometimes electronic... what matters is the words, the story, the characters, the voice. Thinking about it, what matters when I want to relax is a voice that will help me relax; a voice that, even when it's telling of the power going out and raging hotel customers, or love going wrong, or murder and mayhem and more... that even then gives me the sense that all will yet be well, and I should just read on. So what do I read when I need to relax? I read a book with a voice that soothes, that makes me believe my problems too will pass. And I drink coffee. Fill your mug with your favorite brew and see what you think of the following... They're not all outwardly relaxing, but inside, behind the mug of co...